What is the science behind Real Appeal?

Real Appeal programs are rooted in clinical research. This science-based approach drives lasting lifestyle changes in small, steady, and sustainable steps. The academic term for this science is intensive lifestyle intervention (ILI). The essence of the science is to gradually present people with new bits of information about nutrition and exercise along with strategies about how to stay motivated to reach their personal fitness goals. Transformation Coach virtual sessions take place online for 30 minutes typically, with longer planned sessions for Real Appeal Effect program participants. The best results require a year or more of continuous coaching. The biggest challenge is to keep people engaged long enough to establish the changes to their perceptions that result in new habit formation.

The science of ILI has been firmly established over the past 50 years, with hundreds of studies that prove it is effective for about half of the individuals who receive it. Four landmark studies funded by the National Institutes of Health at a cost of nearly $1 billion form the backbone of the most modern science. These methods were developed and studied in randomized controlled tests that were replicated in several countries by dozens of academic institutions. Real Appeal's clinical advisory board includes several of the principal investigators who developed and implemented these longitudinal research programs that tracked nearly 10,000 subjects over the past 20 years. Real Appeal simply translates the science into a program that is as engaging as it is effective in accomplishing the lasting changes to habits that result in healthier lifestyles.

Learn more about the science behind our approach.