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A New Achievement for Real Appeal

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If you’re one of the 84 million Americans with prediabetes, you may already know that adjusting your lifestyle can help you avoid getting the full-on version of the disease.

The Real Appeal Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) helps people make the sorts of small changes that can help prevent a diabetes diagnosis.

Recently, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recognized the Real Appeal DPP for its superlative, science-backed programming — a big deal! 

In January, the Real Appeal DPP was awarded full recognition from the CDC. The award means that the Real Appeal DPP meets the CDC’s strict standards, offering proven, science-based diabetes prevention programming that includes trained coaches and a CDC-approved curriculum. 

Like our core Real Appeal personalized online weight loss program, Real Appeal DPP teaches participants how to adopt healthier habits through small, simple, achievable lifestyle changes. The Real Appeal DPP expands on our core program by offering additional tools that help users prevent or reduce their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

To gain CDC recognition, diabetes prevention programs must meet stringent criteria.  A certain percentage of participants must be diagnosed with prediabetes through blood testing. Programs must also offer a robust, yearlong coaching experience that includes at least 16 coaching sessions during the first six months, and six in the final six months. In other words, only programs with proven chops earn the award. 

If you’ve received a prediabetes diagnosis or are interested in losing weight, learn more here.