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10 Holiday Tips From Real Appeal Coaches

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The added stress of the holidays is real, and it can make it that much more difficult to stay on track with your goals. Our Real Appeal coaches don’t just talk the talk—they walk the walk, and their tips can help you do the same this holiday season.

Here are 10 holiday tips from five Real Appeal® coaches. 

Coach Bhrette:

1. Get the calendar out!

Identify all of the days that could be difficult, such as the actual holiday, potlucks, family get-togethers, company parties, shopping days, and travel days. Then come up with a list of ideas and create a plan so you’re prepared.” 

2. Keep your workout routine no matter what! 

“It might look different, that's OK, it doesn't have to be perfect. Exercise is excellent for stress relief, essential for weight maintenance, and may allow you to enjoy your family/holiday festivities more.”

Coach David:

3. Stay centered! 

“As gatherings at family and friends' homes are happening, a great way to get centered beforehand is to give yourself 5 mins of quiet time to manage stress before going inside. The event is temporary and by the end of the night, you’ll be relaxing in your own space.”

4. Take advantage of leftovers. 

“More foods may be readily available, but instead of being pressured to binge, you can easily pack the food to go for the remaining days. You can divide these meals out for lunches and/or dinner throughout  the week.”

Coach Lauren:

5. Keep moving! 

“Five minutes of dancing or pacing is better than zero. All movement counts. Maybe even make it a fun family event.” 

6. Do your best not to stress. 

If you feel like you overindulged, worrying about it won’t change the situation. Instead, try going for a walk and filling up on water to rid your body of excess bloat. Focus on what you can do.” 

Coach Shelley:

7. Don't do too much. Give yourself some time to relax. 

Share the workload and let everyone play an active role. Make the holidays a family affair so you're not burdened with all the work.”

8. Set priorities. You can't do everything, and that’s OK! 

“Say no to some of the demands on your time. Simplify your life. Be less elaborate this year. Relax your housekeeping and holiday preparations.”

Coach Sam:

9. A holiday is a holiDAY, not a week, a month, or a season

“Enjoy that day without guilt, but keep it to that day!”

10. It’s all about moderation. 

Stick with your favorites and enjoy them in proper portions. You can even make them slightly healthier by switching just a couple of ingredients. Be sure to track it, and try not to drink your calories.”

How will you hold yourself accountable to staying on track during the holidays? 

To stay motivated, focus on your goals and why it’s important for you to reach them.  Acknowledge and celebrate all of your successes with a non-food reward, and set realistic expectations for yourself. 

As Coach Sam says, a holiday is a day, not a week or a month!