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Explore Your Support

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Do the people around you give you the support you need? Keep reading to take a look at your current network and see what kind of support you’re getting.

Support refers to the ways in which people in our lives show up for us. Your partner, family, friends, neighbors, roommates, therapist, community, and coworkers can all provide you with many different kinds of support.

Explore the four different types of support: emotional, social, informational, and practical. Take note of who in your life gives you the following kinds of support and where you may need more support.

Emotional support

People who listen with kindness and without judgment to your feelings, needs, thoughts, and fears provide emotional support. They may offer a “shoulder to cry on,” a warm presence to confide in, or simply listen carefully. Emotional support is vital to our well-being. Studies show that people who get regular emotional support thrive better physically and mentally.

Reflect: Who gives you emotional support?

  • Whom do you trust with your thoughts, feelings, and fears?
  • Example: Friend, neighbor, pet, sibling, parent, cousin, co-worker, clergy 

Social support

Social support refers to the kind of companionship someone provides in a casual setting. We may tell jokes, talk about current events, or catch up on our lives. Whether it’s a barbecue, card game, sporting event, or walk in the park, sharing social time with other humans provides relief from stress and contributes to our overall well-being.

Reflect: Who gives you social support?

  • Who do you spend time with?
  • Example: Family member, co-worker, friend, neighbor 

Informational support

Some people have specific insights for a life phase or situation. Others may have great overall perspectives in general. There may be people in your life who have great information about parenting, marriage, investments, household maintenance, vehicles, fitness, etc.

Reflect: Who provides you with informational support?

  • Whom can you ask for advice and perspectives?
  • Example: Parent or friend who’s a realtor, therapist, financial planner, personal trainer, or registered dietitian 

Practical support

Sometimes the tasks in life can get overwhelming and you need additional support. Practical support is help with the day-to-day tasks. This type of support can come in the form of babysitting, household chores, bringing meals over, offering rides, and more.

Reflect: Where (if anywhere) do you get your practical support?

  • Who can assist you with day-to-day tasks?
  • Example: Partner, kids, friend, neighbor

Reflect on your support

Take some time to evaluate who is in your current support network, and whether or not they’re nurturing your health and well-being.

  • How satisfied are you with the number of relationships you have and the amount of time you socialize with others?
  • Do the people in your life tell you the truth rather than just what you want to hear?
  • Do they encourage you to reach your goals and become the best version of yourself?
  • Do they help you to see different perspectives instead of leaving you feeling stuck?

To build your best support system, find what type of support you need, communicate your needs compassionately, and start building those relationships. Cheers to strengthening your support!